Getting back into 3D

A little while ago I decided to get back into one of my hobbies — 3D design. I hadn’t modeled anything in years, and the 3D modeling software I owned was woefully behind in upgrades. Rather than paying tons of money to bring my software up to date, I thought it was about time for me to learn Blender.

Blender is open-source 3D modeling software that is free to download and use, supported by donations. Having used it for some time now, I can happily say I will never need to use another 3D program again. It has all the power and functionality of the expensive programs, but it’s free, and there’s a passionate, supportive community eager to help people learn. It’s fantastic.

Anyway, here’s some of the work I made:

A street sidewalk at night, using displacement mapping and subdivision surfaces for the bricks (which might have been overkill since they’re out of focus).

A simple ocean scene using Blender’s built-in ocean simulator (and a lot of work with the material nodes).

I’m just scratching the surface of what Blender can do, so I’m looking forward to seeing what I can create next!


